Situations When you Need a Wrongful Death Attorney
Unexpectedly losing your loved ones is a horrifying experience. During the grieving process, taking legal action is the last thing on your mind. However, if your loved one’s death was due to a third party’s negligence or recklessness, then you deserve compensation. You need not be left with funeral expenses, loss of financial support or unpaid medical bills.
In some situations like drunk driving, the responsible party needs to face criminal charges. Your family, however, may not necessarily get the compensation you deserve if the person is found guilty. To give yourself the best chance of recovering compensation, you need to hire a wrongful death attorney. Such an attorney will help you file a civil lawsuit against whoever caused the death of your loved one.
Injuries or Accidents
Injuries and accidents are the most common causes of wrongful deaths. There are a lot of wrongful death accident cases. These include falling from poorly maintained buildings, workplace deaths dues to unsafe working conditions and car accidents due to reckless driving. These are however not the only type of accidents which may happen.
Defective Products
There are many ways defectively designed products, manufactured, or marketed can cause wrongful deaths. A crib could have bars which are far apart and pose choking hazards to infants. Lawn mowers without proper warnings and instruction could kill or maim the person using it. Car manufacturer errors can also cause wrongful deaths.
Medical Malpractice
Medical negligence is considered the third leading cause of death after cancer and heart disease. Misdiagnosis or failure to diagnose severe medical conditions is the most common cause of medical malpractice. It is followed by errors during surgery then treatment errors. If you are sure your loved one died as a result of a medical practitioner failing to offer reasonable care, then you can hire a wrongful death attorney.
Defective Drugs
Pharmaceutical companies usually come under fire for failing to disclose potentially harmful side effects of their drugs. For instance, a company may fail to warn consumers about potentially fatal interactions between different types of drugs. If you lose a loved one as a result of drug complications, you need to consult with an experienced attorney to guide you on the steps to take.
Filling a lawsuit after your loved one’s death can be overwhelming. It is, however, a direct path to potentially recovering the financial compensation that you need. It will also help in holding the third party responsible, so their negligence does not harm anybody in future.…